Apica provides multiple targets to connect with your desired destination to collect, optimize, store, route, and replay your observability data – whenever, wherever you need it.
Currently, Apica supports the below targets
Splunk HTTP Event Collector
Batched JSON forward to Splunk
Splunk Universal / Heavy Forwarder
Syslog, TCP
Syslog forwarder for Splunk
Splunk Universal CEF Forwarder
Syslog, TCP, CEF
Syslog CEF forwarder for Splunk
Splunk Universal Forwarder / Heavy Forwarder
Forward data to Apica in Cooked mode
Configuring a Forwarder
To configure a Forwarder navigate to the Forwarder page first and Select your preferred forwarder
Below, an example of configuring a Splunk HTTP Event Collector is shown
Creating an HTTP Event Collector Data Input key from Splunk
Navigate to your Splunk Environment
Locate the Settings menu
Locate the Data Inputs sub-menu
Click on the New Token option which is located on the top banner
Enter a Token name and skip to the last page and click Done
Use the generated HTTP Event Collector key in Apica
Creating a Splunk HTTP Event Collector on Apica
Navigate to the Creaet Forwarders page
Click on Forwarders
Click on the Splunk HTTP Event Collector
Create Forwarder

Fill out all the below fields and click save
buffer_size: The Buffer size for logs
host: Splunk Endpoint
password: Data Input Key created in step 1
port: Splunk server receiving port (default 8088)
type: log format (default _json, or set to _metric to send to a metric index)
user: UI username of Splunk Endpoint
name: Name of the forwarder

That's it. You've successfully created the Splunk HTTP Event Collector forwarder. Now navigate to the Explore page and start doing Mapping or Replay operation.
Last updated
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